Saturday, July 24, 2010

A July summer in NY is HOT and humid

Well, today is a record high day! 97 and with the humidity caressing you, the feel like temperature is 105!!!! Triple digits, friends. And I left the house today with the girls because we had comps to SI Yankee Kids day. Yeah! A very nice turnout with those giant blowup things that the kids love to "get on or in", playing frisbee, hula hoop, and water balloon toss with the team members. Fabulous. Did anyone notice that ball players are extremely handsome?

Other summer highlights-

My sons Graduation from High School and college bound

We have a pumpkin growing in our backyard! I absentmindedly tossed a rotted pumpkin in our yard, left it, it magically and mysteriously was planted (I assume by some of the wonderful backyard animals and magical creatures lurking around) and Viola! Or, Presto! Or, Sha-Bam! (etc., etc.-please feel free to fill in your favorite magical word there) Pumpkin growing (high singing voice)!

Another baby blanket completed. OMgosh, I am into crochet. You can do it in your bed, propped up on pillows watching your favorite movies or tv series. And I so feel like I am getting things done when I crochet in bed. 


  1. That is a beautiful baby blanket, I love the colour and the pattern. Haven't learned to crochet by following a pattern but maybe one day.... anyhoooo, thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks for stopping by. Pattern from website with some changes incorporated. I was always afraid to consult crochet patterns but I decided if I was going to become better I had to give it a go. Self-teaching and all that.;)


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