Thursday, August 12, 2010

Apricot Tart

I wanted to make a dessert. I did want to try something other than my usual treats. No chocolate chip cookies. No flan (I love it, no all my children do not like it so much). No lemon cake (we eat a lot of lemon baked goodies, because I love the freshness, but my children are just tired of lemon cake), And, so that left me either turning the pages of my cookbooks which is limiting but full of lovely suggestions. Or, go to Martha, who is easy to access, and with a few well thought out searches and a bit of finger pressing patience, you can have a great recipe with just a press of the print icon and you are ready to go. I wanted to try a tart. But, I wanted to keep it very easy. Nothing complicated that would make me give up all hope to try it again. Not to mention how intimidated I am by pie crusts. The best reason for my fear of making them is that I do not own a food processor which I keep hearing makes doing pie crusts completely fearless (not to sure about this though). I am a big advocate of keep it cold and use your hands; to me, by far, my best equipment.

This is a pretty simple recipe. The crust is delicious and the tart was pretty good.

I am very proud of my first tart making experience. I brought it to work with me. It was my last day there and the responses I received were very kind.With enthusiasm and encouragement, my fellow coworkers praised my efforts. And I was thankful. But for my own future reference, I would definitely put less applesauce on the tart or use very thick apple butter. I believe that I would prefer that texture to the sauce. But, I still think, Bravo me!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Nneka, her music, her story

I have found out about this talented musician and singer most recently these past few months. And I love the music she creates. Music can be inspired by both good and bad in life. But, it should motivate in its listeners understanding or agreement or action in a positive and sharing way. There is a book that I am reading now called "Little Bee" by Chris Cleave that tells about a young Nigerian woman's life concerning the issues Nneka sings about. If you have time in your summer reading (and listening) get your copy of both-music by Nneka and Little Bee.
Little Bee: A Novel

Concrete Jungle
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